Dec 19, 2011

Are you my grandma?

I want to know who is telling my Mr6 I'm not his grandmother.

Two weeks ago Mr6 spent the weekend with his BioDad's family. They live across town.
We maintain a cordial relationship with them.
Mr6 returns home and right away he asks me a question for which I actually didn't have an answer (remember, I'm a teacher and can make up answers in a heart beat).
Mr6: Gamaaaa, are you my grandmother?
Me: Well, what do YOU think?
Mr6: Yes, you ARE my grandmother.

Well this past weekend Mr6 spent the day visiting his BioDad's family once agian. 
And again he posed me the exact same question when he returned home.
Mr6: Gamaaaa, are you my grandmother?
Me: Well, what do YOU think?
Mr6: No, you are not my grandmother.
Me: I'm NOT? (panic
Mr6: No, you're not my grandmother because you're not my mommy's mother.
*awkward silence*

Just then his BioMom walks into the room and he says, "Right Mom? Grandma is not your mother, so she is not my Grandma."
BioMom's answer stuns me. She responds with, "She is my step mother, so that means she IS your grandmother."

For all the animosity she and I once had, I couldn't believe she would come out with that generous statement. 

For once I feel blessed. 
Photo by Nan, 2010

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