Dec 22, 2011

All I want for Christmas....

Christmas is just a few days away and already I'm itching to disassemble and pack away the tree, ornaments and all.
My Mr6 is obsessed with these ugly little things called Bey Blades.
image from aliexpress
There is nothing new under the sun. When I was a young girl back in the day when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I had a short-lived obsession with tops. They were made of wood, and you had to wrap a long string around it. Then, with a quick snap of the wrist, your top would go spinning like..., well, like a top. 

Since I am now oh-so-wise, I know Mr6 will soon tire of these annoying little Bey Blade thingies. Thank goodness I bought a few on sale at Target. 
Now where did I put that big box to store away the Christmas tree....


Linda said...

Oh I remember these. My son was besotted with them at one point. Then a few years later we put them to a charity shop!

nerima roberts said...

Yep, nothing new under the sun!